lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

"Su Alteza Johi" -Mi papá, lunes 17 de noviembre, durante la cena.

Mi tía chequea regularmente si todavía queda algún miembro de la realeza europea entre 25 y 35 años con el que yo pudiera contraer matrimonio.

Verduras antropomorfas

Treulose Tomate = tomate traicionero
Skandalnudel = Fideo escandaloso
Pflaume = ciruela (o quiere decir: bobo)

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Exercices in Style - Raymond Queneau

Some of us were travelling together. A young man, who didn't look very intelligent, spoke to the man next to him for a few moments, then he went and sat down. Two hours later I met him again; he was with a friend and was talking about clothes.

In the centre of the day, tossed among the shoal of travelling sardines in a coleopter with a big white carapace, a chicken with a long, featherless neck suddenly harangued one, a peace-abiding one, of their number, and its parlance, moist with protest, was unfolded upon the airs. Then, attracted by a void, the fledgling precipitated itself thereunto.
In a bleak, urban desert, I saw it again that selfsame day, drinking the cup of humiliation offered by a lowly button.
You ought to put another button on your overcoat, his friend told him. I met him in the middle of the Cour de Rome, after having left him rushing avidly towards a seat. He had just protested against being pushed by another passenger who, he said, was jostling him every time anyone got off. This scraggy young man was the wearer of a ridiculous hat. This took place on the platform of an S bus which was full that particular midday.